Originally posted on Complexity & Management Centre:
Over the past two decades, management consultants and academics at business schools have increasingly stressed what they view as the rapidly increasing levels of complexity and uncertainty in the environment that all organisations have to respond to and many have labelled these conditions ‘ hyper-competition’ or ‘high velocity competition’.…

Originally posted on Gregory Gull:
The precepts of neoclassical economic theory (a.k.a. capitalism) have permeated almost every aspect of life in American society leading us to create both a materialistic and individualistic focused society.  This has a tremendous influence upon how people understand society and organizations, the problems in society and organizations, and correspondingly the…

Originally posted on Think Different:
Babble   babble (ˈbæb ə l) (v) 1. to utter (words, sounds, etc) in an incoherent or indistinct jumble 2. ( intr ) to talk foolishly, incessantly, or irrelevantly 3. ( tr ) to disclose (secrets, confidences, etc) carelessly or impulsively 4. ( intr ) (of streams, birds, etc) to make…

Originally posted on Gregory Gull:
The Justice Department’s $3 billion judgment against GlaxoSmithKline for criminal actions in their marketing of prescription drugs is a minor penalty to pay relative to the tens of billions they made in the process.  Chock it up to the cost of doing business!  What did GlaxoSmithKline do?  The business of…

Originally posted on Think Different:
Ackoff Contrasts Efficiency with Effectiveness When I’m talking about Rightshifting, folks often ask me to define “effectiveness”, and to explain the difference between “effectiveness” and its often conflated cousin, “efficiency”.  I generally explain Drucker’s take on the question, but just for a change here’s an extract from a paper by Russell…

Originally posted on Gregory Gull:
Trust connotes many things.  In one sense it speaks to the history we’ve had with other people when we say things like my experience shows he/she can be trusted.  In another it reflects aspirations about one’s self in statements like I trust that I’d do the right thing if faced…

Time to humanise workplaces, time for some drastic renovations, time for transformation (and tinkering around the edges slowly just won’t cut it anymore).

Reflection helps us identify patterns in ourselves. Reflection helps us get clear on what we need to keep learning. Reflection shines a light on our strengths.

Originally posted on Think Different:
Promotion Commotion “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” ~ Mark Twain When I’m explaining the Synergistic mindset to people, I’m often struck by the degree to which folks root their understanding in that which they…