Courage in the first instance

A wise teacher once suggested that it requires the same amount of courage to do something difficult, whether you do it instantly or leave it until later.  “Courage in the first instance, not the tenth.”. In a working world that is increasingly relational, where what we do depends on dealing with others, negotiating with others,… Continue reading Courage in the first instance

What we need to learn

Bring to mind one of your best working moments.  One of those times when you felt on top of the world, when you were just ‘flowing’ or when you felt the warm glow of success.  It could have been when that new client signed up with you…..when you finally worked through a long-standing conflict with… Continue reading What we need to learn

Is mine a high-performing team?

Some time ago, a client of ours excitedly commented that she thought what we did felt like team-building with intellect.  Even eight years ago, there was something in the comment that betrayed a disdain and fatigue for team-building exercises that are fun and engaging, but lead to nothing of real substance back in the day-to-day… Continue reading Is mine a high-performing team?

What is the matrix of a leader?

Developing ourselves is not about filling in “gaps”.  If we are systems thinkers, we don’t see gaps.  A gap is an empty space; where nothing is.  We are not empty vessels to be filled; we are whole beings, not “hole-y” beings.  We do, however, have things about us that need strengthening and enhancing.  We have… Continue reading What is the matrix of a leader?

How ample is your toolbag?

As the old saying goes, if you have only a hammer, you see only nails.  Frankly, I’d much rather have the plumber who opens his or her toolbag and has the whole range of tools necessary, rather than the one who brings only a hammer and uses it for everything.  It’d be a pretty botched… Continue reading How ample is your toolbag?

How can I free up my creative genius?

Most of us have had moments in our working lives when we don’t live up to our own expectations. *Think of the manager who is unnecessarily harsh in a performance appraisal when she intended to be encouraging and motivating.  *Think of how we prematurely reject new ideas from others when we intend to be inclusive… Continue reading How can I free up my creative genius?

Feedback or noise?

I’ve been noticing just lately that this word ‘feedback’ keeps coming up.  Specifically, it’s being used in the context of letting someone know something about their behaviour or attitude.  This isn’t an uncommon word and in workplaces everywhere, people are being encouraged to give ‘feedback’ to each other…..Managers to staff….co-workers to co-workers….in fact, people all… Continue reading Feedback or noise?

Why can’t these conversations be easier?

Imagine this if you can…. You deal with performance issues before they become personal. You are able to come up with the ‘right words’. You deal with challenging situations or people as they arise. You say the ‘hard things’ and still maintain good working relationships. Sounds great, huh?  Why are some work conversations  just harder… Continue reading Why can’t these conversations be easier?

Do you have those difficult conversations?

Continuing the theme of my previous blog, isn’t the optimal way the one where ‘people friendly’ and ‘performance oriented’ are not mutually exclusive?  One of the biggest challenges of contemporary working life is having those ‘difficult conversations’ with others.  We all know how essential it is to be able to do this.  ‘Systems thinking’ tells… Continue reading Do you have those difficult conversations?

>Courage in the first instance, not the tenth!

> I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating.  In workplaces large and small, there is a silent plague.  People are immobilised like possums in the headlights.  What’s the cause of all this workplace stuckness?  The line manager needs to tell her direct report that he needs to start coming in to work on… Continue reading >Courage in the first instance, not the tenth!